1. I just received another request for DTR from an agent I queried last week. Yay!
2. Have all three kids home from school today due to a stomach bug.
3. Since I also have the same stomach bug, this is not fun.
4. Regular readers of this blog will know that I give out a quasi-annual (a word that means whenever I feel like it) Idiot Patron Award for customers of my restaurant displaying levels of idiocy far exceeding the general garden variety idiocy one usual sees.
5. For months that title has been held by the man who ordered a BLT and then complained that there was nothing but Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato on his sandwich.
6. In truth, I thought nothing could unseat him and he would be Idiot Patron for life.
7. I was wrong.
8. Last week, three twenty-something guys in workshirts came in, sat at my friend's table, looked over the menu for a minute, and then asked her where our dollar menu was located.
9. You enter a sit-down dining establishment, one where bread comes free with the meal and you have to tip your waitress, and you ask for a dollar menu? You, sirs, are the new proud recipients of the Idiot Patron Award.
10. Congratulations.
11. I really love the color orange.
12. Having the kids home makes all the writing I need to accomplish fairly difficult to do.
13. I'm going to blog about snails soon. Trust me, you'll find it funny.
14. My original critique partner, author Celeste Bradley, has a new trio of historicals on the market and the most recent novel hit the NYT's Bestsellers list!
15. This is a huge accomplishment in the publishing world and I'm thrilled for her.
16. I need to test drive a Harley for character research purposes.
17. My hubby needs to test drive a Harley to see what he's missing by being a responsible father.
18. And no, I don't mean he's responsible because he isn't risking his life driving a motorcycle on the freeways.
19. He's responsible because only a naive fool brings a motorcycle and its keys anywhere near Daredevil's adventure-loving, consequence-oblivious little soul.
20. I've been researching some really excellent contest info for tomorrow's Writing Process post so stay tuned...
"16. I need to test drive a Harley for character research purposes.
ReplyDelete17. My hubby needs to test drive a Harley to see what he's missing by being a responsible father.
18. And no, I don't mean he's responsible because he isn't risking his life driving a motorcycle on the freeways."
LMAO, I wonder if I could convince my sister/mother that buying a pair of heels [4" classic red pumps] that I can't walk in but are absolutely gorgeous as character research.
I still need to find a martial arts type center so I can research for my character as well as stay fit over the summer.
Oh, are you going to do a writing process post on transitions? Because I am currently struggling to get from one scene to the next and the only advice I've gotten so far is skip it and write it in the edit and that's not really helping the problem, lol.
Oh, and congrats on the second request! I got side-tracked by the harley comment, lol.
ReplyDeleteWhere are you located? I can give you some recommendations depending on what you want to train in.
Jage - Nevermind character research, every woman needs a pair of classic, shiny 4" red heels.
ReplyDeleteEnough said. =D
And doing a piece on transitions is an excellent idea. I've put it on my list.
Thanks for the congrats and take Katy up on her offer. She is to martial arts what I am to stilettos.
I'm in Canada actually, and I'm not sure what I want to train in. Kickboxing seems really interesting so far but then so does Taekwondoe, Judo, etc. I used to do Karate when I was younger but traded it in for girl guides and swimming lessons.
ReplyDeleteAh. *nods*
ReplyDeleteWikipedia has a decent entry for martial arts catagories. You could look through there and then google around in your area for good places to take classes.
I recommend checking out schools and never sign anything when you first walk in. Take some time to think about it and watch how they teach classes. *smiles* Most good teachers won't mind someone observing their classes, so your BS meter should go off if someone objects to that request.