The fact that I loved Maggie Stiefvater's SHIVER is no secret. I loved it so much, I wanted to re-read it the moment I reached The End. I loved it so much, I stalked teenagers in the YA section of my local bookstore and told them that this was the book they just had to buy.
Don't make me stalk you too.
Maggie agreed to guest blog for me so here is SHIVER, as told by three main characters. On Twitter. You know you love it. (For the non-Twitter crowed, Twitter is a continuous stream of conversation. RT stands for "re-tweet". When a character has a hashtag (#) followed by a word/phrase after their tweet, they're filing that tweet under a certain topic. Sometimes the topic actually exists. Often it's simply a way to get your point across or interject humor.)
SHIVER: a Twitter conversation by the characters
GraceBrisbane: Grace Brisbane
EmoWolf90: Sam Roth
TheHottestCulpeper: Isabel Culpeper
GraceBrisbane: we’re supposed to talk about what SHIVER is about. tinyurl
EmoWolf90: i think i like this version RT @ChickLitTeens: Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater http://twurl.nl/ovazm5
TheHottestCulpeper: in our words. that’s the whole point. you are supposed to follow instructions. you’re an idiot. #comprehensionFAIL
EmoWolf90: ok, isabel! man oh man. it’s about a yellow-eyed boy who has to become a wolf each winter.
GraceBrisbane: that would be you. and a girl who is attacked by the wolves.
EmoWolf90: a beautiful girl
GraceBrisbane: in case anyone didn’t catch that RT @EmoWolf90 a beautiful girl. that would be me.
TheHottestCulpeper: spare me the sentimentality.
GraceBrisbane: and this girl who is saved from certain death by a yellow-eyed wolf.
EmoWolf90: you should’ve said ‘a BEAUTIFUL yellow-eyed wolf’
GraceBrisbane: all wolves are beautiful. you’re beautiful when you’re a boy. but i don’t know that until a lot later.
EmoWolf90: years later. when i get shot and end up on your doorstep. ‘it was the best of times, it was the worst of times’
TheHottestCulpeper: can we stay on the point here? #getaroom
GraceBrisbane: lol. of course i had to fall in love with you. because you were cute, and a wolf
TheHottestCulpeper: and because he knew a lot of very emo poetry
EmoWolf90: Rilke is not always emo. he’s my favorite. “all angels are terrifying” #rilke
TheHottestCulpeper: right, that’s cheery stuff. #emoboypoetry
GraceBrisbane: i think it’s sweet.
TheHottestCulpeper: moving on . .
EmoWolf90: anyway, we fall in love. actually, grace, i had fallen in love with you a long time before then. i guess it was a crush.
GraceBrisbane: ditto. only you were a wolf. is that creepy?
TheHottestCulpeper: definitely. #toomuchnaturelove
Grace Brisbane: i don’t think you’re using those hash tags right, isabel.
TheHottestCulpeper: trust me, my specialty is rules. there is no right way to use hash tags. unless it’s for something like #americanidol #justintimberlake #obama
EmoWolf90: i think i hate twitter.
GraceBrisbane: twitter is definitely not your thing, sam.. anyway, after we fall in love, i find out that sam becomes a wolf each winter. #wiggingout
EmoWolf90: which i hate. i only want to be human. i have so much i want to do in life.
TheHottestCulpeper: like emoboypoetry.
EmoWolf90: . . .
TheHottestCulpeper: you guys forgot to mention that my brother was bitten by the wolves. & that leads to #angermanagementproblems
GraceBrisbane: i didn’t forget. your brother is a huge problem. but there’s a bigger one. what sam doesn’t tell me right away is that
GraceBrisbane: ...he gets fewer and fewer months every year as a human until one year he will just stay a wolf. and that this is his last year.
EmoWolf90: “I have studied the Science of departures, in night’s sorrows, when a woman’s hair falls down..” #mandelstam
GraceBrisbane: and so now i only have him until the winter steals him from me. and then he’s gone for good.
EmoWolf90: and then i will not only lose grace but everything that she loves about me and everything that makes me sam.
GraceBrisbane: unless we find a cure.
EmoWolf90: i don’t think there is a cure, grace.
GraceBrisbane: there has to be a cure.
TheHottestCulpeper: RT @mstiefvater find out if there is a cure. read the book. buy it at amazon http://tinyurl.com/m37rdt or at an indie http://www.indiebound.org/
GraceBrisbane: find out more about the author at http://www.maggiestiefvater.com
YAY for Emo Wolf tweets!
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to go get this. I have a day off coming up soon. I will be visiting Borders.