I first met Kristin Tubb at a Music City Romance Writers' meeting when she was a guest speaker teaching us how she organizes all the historical research she does for her novels. I was both impressed with her detail-oriented prowess, and a bit nauseous at the thought of doing so much RESEARCH for a book. Hence the reason I won't ever write historical. Then, Kristin picked up her book and read a section. I was hooked. Her writing is so vivid, you feel instantly immersed in the world of her story. When she agreed to be interviewed AND to unveil her brand new cover for SELLING HOPE on this blog, I was thrilled!
Here's a peek at SELLING HOPE:
It’s May 1910, and Halley’s Comet is due to pass through the Earth’s atmosphere. And thirteen-year-old Hope McDaniels and her father are due to pass through their hometown of Chicago with their ragtag vaudeville troupe. Hope wants out of vaudeville, and longs for a “normal” life—or as normal as life can be without her mother, who died five years before. Hope sees an opportunity: She invents “anti-comet” pills to sell to the working-class customers desperate for protection. Soon, she’s joined by a fellow troupe member, young Buster Keaton, and the two of them start to make good money. And just when Hope thinks she has all the answers, she has to decide: What is family? Where is home?
Kristin chose to be interviewed by the Spork of Doom. (Brave woman)
Spork of Doom

Kristin Tubb

Now that you know who's who, let's dive into the interview and reveal the awesome cupcake my hubby made in honor of SELLING HOPE. Kristin asked for a comet/cosmic matter type cupcake, and my hubby delivered. So, without further ado, let's see the cupcake and read how Kristin faces off with the Spork of Doom.

1. I’m all about world domination, and I’m always looking for good help. Why would you be an acceptable minion in my quest?
I go beyond being a YesWoman to reading your mind and quelling your needs before you even know they are your needs.
For example: *places fingertips on temples, stares intently into your eyes* Doesn’t Kristin look skinny in those jeans? Tell Kristin she looks skinny in those jeans. Offer to buy her a new pair of boots to go with them.
There now. Don’t you feel better? *admires new boots*
2. I feel woozy and unusual. And weren't you wearing flats a moment ago? Spork of Doom suspects foul play! Being a Spork of Doom takes moxie. What’s the sporkiest thing you’ve ever done?
When I say “sporky,” you say “doom!” “Sporky!” *listens to crickets chirp*
3. Spork of Doom is NOT a cheerleader. Recognize. When I’m not busy taking over the world, I like to eat pie. What kind of pie do you think is worthy of my Spork of Doom status?
Apple. I’m a purist. No cheese. (Who even thought of that, anyway? Gag.) No ice cream. Straight up apple, says I.
4. Spork of Doom approves your choice. Favorite dessert to eat with a spork?
Warm chocolate brownie. Vanilla ice cream is acceptable.
5. I have the ability to be simultaneously spoon, fork, and weapon of mass destruction. What unique ability do you have?
I can turn my feet so far inward, they appear to be completely backwards. (True story.) This is, I feel, symbolic of larger things.
6. Spork of Doom is disturbed. In this day and age, a savvy spork bent on world domination can’t afford to ignore a good marketing campaign. I’m thinking t-shirts with “Spork or Die.” If you made a shirt with your own slogan on it, what would it say?
7. Do they have antique sporks? They must. Why else would anyone want to go? If I had to compare myself to anyone in history, I’d have to say I’m most like Napoleon. Only skinnier. And shinier. And smart enough not to lose my empire at a place with a ridiculous name like Waterloo. Who are you most like and why?
Lisa Kudrow is my doppelganger. How do I know this? From the legions of people who stop me and tell me this. (If you see Lisa, tell her THIS IS NOT OVER.) But that’s physically. Mentally, I’d say I rather resemble Woody Allen.
8. Spork of Doom has many doppelgangers. Most of them hang out at Taco Bell, waiting for the day I call them into action in a bid for Total World Domination. Why is your job just as much fun as world domination?
Writing affords you a tiny corner of domination, if only for the amount of time someone is holding your story in their hands. You are literally shaping someone’s thoughts, whenever they read your words. (Like I am, to you, right now. MWUHAHAHAHA!) What could be more powerful than that? VIVA LAS LIBRI! (I never took Latin. I have no idea if that’s correct.)
9. Spork of Doom has no use for Latin. Besides, SURRENDER OR DIE translates fairly easily without the pesky need for words. In between conquests, I like to read a good story. What can you recommend and why?
I, like everyone else in the free world, am anxiously awaiting Mockingjay, the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy. Want to study seamless plotting? Suzanne Collins is the master. I’m also *this close* to finishing Still Sucks to Be Me by Kimberly Pauley – funny, funny teen vampire adventures with a perfect YA voice. I still adore Janet Tashijan’s The Gospel According to Larry, because I’d love to know how to write a story like that, that leaves you wondering, “Could it really happen?” But my all-time top three are A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Patterson and The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
10. You need to accomplish a secret, night-time mission as my minion. Cloak? No cloak? Why?
Absolutely a cloak! How else are you going to whoosh away into the night? A Member’s Only jacket does not a dramatic exit make. (They’re back, I hear. I’m not just dating myself with that reference. Right? Right?!)
11. Spork of Doom refuses to comment upon your age. My best piece of advice to others is this: “Fear the spork!” What’s your best advice?
Fear nothing BUT the spork!
Thank you, Kristin, for a fabulous interview! (And for making me crave brownies with ice cream) To learn more about Kristin, visit her site.
Of course, the fun isn't over yet! Kristin is giving away some AWESOME prizes!
Kristin's Giveaway:
1st place: A signed hardback of Kristin's first book, AUTUMN WINIFRED OLIVER DOES THINGS DIFFERENT.
2nd place: A beautiful comet bead necklace & a signed SELLING HOPE bookmark.
3rd place: A signed SELLING HOPE bookmark.
How to Enter:
1. Earn entries:
*Comment on this post with a question or comment for Kristin = 1 entry
*Be a follower of this blog = 3 entries
*Tweet the link to this interview = 3 entries (Use @cjredwine or leave url to tweet in your comment so I can see it.)
*Post the contest on your blog = 3 entries (Include link in your comment.)
*Post a link on your Facebook status = 3 entries (Include link in comment.)
2. Tally it up: Please tally up your entries and leave the total in your comment.
3. Check back: The contest is open until 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 29. Please check back to see if you've won and to claim your prize!
Good luck to all, and happy reading!
WHY do you always make me do math? *turns away grumbling about math
ReplyDeleteI am hypnotised and now need to go get new boots-er-post blog and twitter!
So excited :) Three prizes. *shifts in seat. If only I didn't have to do math...
That cupcake is AMAZING! I might have to hire your hubby for the launch party, CJ! :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the new boots, Leona! ;-) Have a happy day!
ReplyDeleteThat is SUCH a great cover. Tis now added to my TBR list. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday!
Thanks, Myra! xoxo!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Karen! Hope you have a great weekend! :-)
What a beautiful comet cupcake, CJ! And Kristin, way to hold your own against the Spork of Doom. But I'm not surprised. You have mad skills.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview. I agree about the cheese. Can't wait to read what's inside that bee-yoo-tiful cover!
ReplyDelete(I think I got 10 points, too!)
Great interview Kristin, way to hold your own against the SoD! About the cheese on apple pie - when exactly did this become a common (or acceptable!) practice? I truly never heard of it until moving to Nashville and was both duly and instantly horrified.
ReplyDeleteBack to more important topics, great cover. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy, it's definitely going on the TBR pile.
Comment = 1
Blog Follower = 3
Tweeted = 3
Blogged = 3
That equals 10 points for me :)
Rae Ann, Jessica and Gretchen, thanks for visiting, commenting, and spreading the Sporky love! :-) I appreciate the kind words about the SELLING HOPE cover, too - I really adore it, and think Feiwel & Friends did an amazing job capturing the spirit of the story.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Kristin! Selling Hope sounds like a terrific book. And that cover grabs me. Looking forward to reading it.
ReplyDeleteI should have realized when I saw the Spork of Doom that posting here was not an easy task. I believe I have 4 points, however I sunburned my brain yesterday and possibly could be mistaken. =)
ReplyDeleteKristin, I envy you your cupcake and your new boots. Oh yes, and also the cover on your book. But mostly the cupcake. It's beauuuuutiful.
It's my chocolate malt buddy! :-) LOVE the new cover, Kristin. And is that the most perfect cupcake ever for it? Great interview, girls!
ReplyDeleteBev, Carrie and Kay - thank you for stopping by! Isn't that cupcake yummy deluxe? I think it'd go great with a chocolate malt and a shiny new pair of boots! :-)
ReplyDeleteHave a great day, all!
Cheese is great on apple pie! It has to be good cheddar cheese, though, not that plasticky American kind. And if it's swimming in melted ice cream, all the better . . .
ReplyDelete4 entries for us! Abby would really enjoy her book!
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a really fun book! And I thought making the spork give you some boots was a nice touch.
ReplyDeleteDid I miss the deadline? I'd love to win. I bet my daughter would like this book.
ReplyDelete4 points.
Thank you all for stopping by and for all the shout-outs! The Spork was actually quite cuddly (tho don't tell him I said so)! :-)